Common Website Problems and How Observer Helps You Tackle These Issues

Managing multiple websites can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to ensuring their health and performance. In this blog post, we’ll explore the common problems faced in website management and how Observer can help you solve them.

Managing multiple websites can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to ensuring their health and performance. With so many moving parts, it’s easy to miss critical issues that could impact your sites’ functionality and user experience. Observer is designed to help you manage these complexities effectively, providing comprehensive tools to monitor, analyze, and optimize your websites. In this blog post, we’ll explore the common problems faced in website management and how Observer can help you solve them.

Common Problems in Monitoring Website Performance and Health

When managing multiple websites, you may encounter various issues that can affect their performance and health. Here are some common problems you might face. How many of these issues are you familiar with, and do you think you’re prepared to handle these situations?

1. Have you ever realized that your website is not responsive when it’s already too late?
2. Have you ever noticed your client uploading a huge image to the website, affecting page load times?
3. Have you ever experienced an unnoticed change that breaks the website and you’re unsure what was changed?
4. Have you ever encountered a stranger code injection on your website?
5. Do you know how real users experience your website? It may load quickly for you with a high-speed connection, but what about others?
6. Do you feel overwhelmed by the technical aspects of maintaining your website’s health and performance?
7. Do you worry about not realizing an unexpected change in your website?
8. Have you ever struggled to identify why your website’s performance suddenly dropped?
9. Have you ever found it difficult to keep track of your domain and DNS changes?
10. Do you know if you have any critical issues affecting your SEO performance badly?
11. Do you find it challenging to maintain a consistent user experience across all your websites and many different pages?
12. Have you ever faced difficulties in managing and tracking multiple websites’ health and performance?
13. Are you informed when there is a client-side error on users’ browser consoles?
14. Do you experience page performance issues but don’t know what causes them?
15. Do you struggle to keep track of your website performance archive and how it progresses over time?
16. What would you do if your website disappeared or your server crashed? Are you prepared with periodic database backups?
17. Have you ever wished for a more straightforward way to monitor your website’s uptime and performance?

How Observer Solves These Issues

Now, let’s dive into how Observer addresses these common problems with its powerful features.

Uptime Monitoring

Observer ensures your websites are always up and running by continuously monitoring their uptime. It checks your sites’ availability at regular intervals and alerts you immediately if any downtime is detected. This allows you to respond quickly and minimize any disruption to your users.

Resource Change Notifications and Archive

Observer tracks all changes to your website’s resources, including uploads and modifications. If a client uploads a large image that affects load times, Observer will notify you. It also maintains an archive of all changes, making it easy to review and revert any problematic updates.

Page Source/Size Change Notifications

Unnoticed changes that break your website can be a nightmare. Observer monitors your website’s source code for any alterations and sends notifications whenever a change is detected. This helps you quickly identify and address any issues before they impact your users.

Real User Data Insights

Understanding how real users experience your website is crucial. Observer provides insights into real user data, showing you how your site performs under different conditions and connection speeds. This helps you optimize your site for all users, not just those with high-speed connections.

Simplified Technical Maintenance

Maintaining multiple websites can be technically overwhelming. Observer simplifies this with automated monitoring and easy-to-understand reports, allowing you to focus on improving your sites rather than getting bogged down by technical details.

Performance Tracking and Diagnostics

Sudden performance drops can be perplexing. Observer tracks your websites’ performance and provides detailed diagnostics, helping you pinpoint and resolve issues quickly.

Domain and DNS Change Tracking

Keeping track of domain and DNS changes is crucial for maintaining website stability. Observer monitors these changes and sends alerts, ensuring you are always informed and can take action if needed.

SEO Suggestions and Google Pagespeed Tracking

Critical SEO issues can affect your site’s visibility and traffic. Observer offers SEO suggestions and tracks your Google Pagespeed scores, helping you identify and address any issues that could impact your SEO performance.

Sub-Page Monitoring and Performance Analysis

Maintaining a consistent user experience across all pages is challenging. Observer monitors your sub-pages and provides performance analysis, ensuring all parts of your site are optimized.

Multi-Site Management Features

Managing multiple websites’ health and performance is made easy with Observer’s multi-site management features. You can track and monitor all your sites from a single dashboard.

Browser Console Monitoring and Alerts

Client-side errors can affect user experience. Observer monitors the browser console for errors and sends alerts, allowing you to address issues that users encounter.

Detailed Performance Analysis Tools

Identifying the cause of page performance issues is essential for optimization. Observer’s performance analysis tools provide detailed insights, helping you resolve issues effectively.

Performance History and Archiving

Tracking performance over time is vital for continuous improvement. Observer maintains a performance archive, allowing you to review historical data and track progress.

Periodic Database Backups

Website disappearance or server crashes can be disastrous. Observer offers automated periodic database backups, ensuring your data is always safe and recoverable.

Simplified Monitoring with Practical Solutions

Wishing for an easier way to monitor uptime and performance? Observer is not only easy to use but also goes beyond just detecting issues. It explains the problems clearly and provides actionable steps to resolve them. With Observer’s comprehensive tools, you can ensure your websites are always performing at their best without any hassle.


Observer is designed to address the common problems faced in managing multiple websites. With its comprehensive monitoring, analysis, and optimization tools, Observer ensures your sites run smoothly and efficiently. Sign up for Observer today to start using our powerful features immediately, or contact us to discuss how Observer can help you manage your websites more effectively. Experience the difference in website management with Observer.

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